We need new members

Come Join us

Nottingham Juggling club is looking to find new members to join us. You may be already an accomplished juggler looking for like-minded people to juggle with or you may just be learning. Either way, we'd love to meet you. Our current membership is a varied mix of abilities so you will fit right in no matter your standard!

If you are interested all we ask is that if you are under 16 you be accompanied by an adult family member and that you are serious about juggling.

To get in touch either phone Paul on 07813 695544 or join our facebook group and join the conversation.

EJC 2019

European Juggling Convention 2019

Hey have you heard of the EJC or European Juggling Convention to give it it's full name?

Well it is coming to the UK in 2019 - 3rd - 11th August to be precise over at the Newark Showground. The head organiser, Jane Randall, and her second in command , Natalie are some of the  members here at Nottingham Juggling Club so if you want any insider knowledge then this is the place to be!


If you would like some of our flyers for your event please send us a message and we will get some sent to you. Alternatively you can print out from the pdf's below.

EJC2019 Flyer Back

EJC2019 Flyer Front

For more information about the EJC then nip on over to the conventions website

Have you spotted the gnomes? Well if you follow the EJC on Instagram @ejc2019 #ejc2019 then you will get to see them on their travels around the world in the lead up to the event in August 2019!
